• AMBULATORI: Carpi (MO) - Ferrara - Roma - Treviso- Udine

The basic mechanism of Prolotherapy is simple. A substance is injected into damaged unstabile tissue causing an inflammatory reaction. This local inflammatory reaction triggers a cascade complex processes of healing with new collagen tissue production. The former new collagen gradually reduces during maturation. The ligaments that have been injected are physiologically stronger and more robust, thanks to collagen properties bringing a local complex stability. Prolotherapy is 90% effective eliminating chronic pain and is very effetive in the treatment of many sports injuries. The very important point is that the infiltration is targeted only to weakened structures. If these areas are properly infiltrated, the chances of success in healing are excellent.

How can Prolotherapy help me?



Many people have disorders of the cervical spine and because of degenerative or post traumatic origins including disorders related to incorrect posture. Correcting the various causes of the instability of this important rich structure of ligaments, you will get good results with prolotherapy. Many patients after prolotherapy treatment of the cervical spine report that they do not have any more headaches, muscle pain, tingling of the hands, etc., and, finally, very important, do not take any more pain medication



Disturbances associated with this joint are often sports related or in many cases due to over uses of the ligaments and tendons(epicondylitis, or tennis elbow) which becomes a chronic problem with many disabilitiy issues if not corrected. Prolotherapy can hel a big deal not using any steroids to improve natural healing. The athleic sometimes abandons his sport activity due too his chronic pain and incapacity with failure using traditional therapy.



Sciatica and blockage of the lumbar spine: this disease is very common and Prolotherapy is truly effective as a treatment. Disc pathology like herniated disc – facet syndrome


These joints are rich in ligaments and tendons that can become painful in post traumatic situations. Chronic pain in the wrist can arise also from non-traumatic factors such as degenerative arthrosis. Prolotherapy is very effective even in these structures as for example in carpal tunnel syndrome.



The shoulder is an important pivot in his muscle tendon structures. When these structures undergo degenerative muscle or tendon injury, the shoulder becomes incapacitated with a clear functional reduction. Often is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs without resolving the cause of the pain. Prolotherapy offers an excellent non-surgical treatment to the shoulder. The rotator cuff is often a surgical pathology that can be today treated with Prolotherapy avoiding surgery, but if there are complete lesions of the rotor cuff tendons, then surgery is the only option.


These large joints of the hip are important because they often go into degenerative processes that unbalances the muscle-tendon and legamentous structures causing pain. Clearly, here too it is important to consider and correct your posture. Prolotherapy is advisable in solving the painful framework by treating the cause and promoting “self-healing”.



These structures are rich in their complex of joints and ligaments which respond with excellent repair to prolotherapy injections if targeted to vulnerable structures such as the legamental structures of the ankle. It is very important to understand the bio-meccanics of the foot which can result excellent when associate with prolotherapy. The treatment of the foot associated with a correct re-education of the posture is also important.