• AMBULATORI: Carpi (MO) - Ferrara - Roma - Treviso- Udine

Every medical procedure has risks, but equally known that undeniable discomfort and suffering from chronic pain needs to be solved. Let’s look at some of the risks of people with chronic pain and risks in life with chronic pain

Risks associated with living with chronic pain:

Depression • Economic Problems related working inability • Negative Stress is on the rise • Sleep disturbance • Progressive physical deterioration • Problems in the couple relationship • Physical interruption in sporting activities leading to depression • Loss of self-esteem Dependence on pain medications • Increase weight due too lack of movement and sports activities

So the risk of chronic pain is huge !! Chronic pain leads to other pathologies such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic fatigue, hormonal changes, and many other …

The psychological price of dealing with your family and with the people around you is very important. So what should this person do? The suffering person can choose from one of many treatments that the market offers with its risks and costs. (Acupuncture, hypnosis, massage, electro stimulation, cortisone, mesotherapy, and many others).

Prolotherapy as all therapies still have it’s risks and contraindications if not done properly by well trained physician –prolotherapist experts.

What are these risks ?:

Bleeding at the injection site

Local Bruising

Local pain

Local swelling • Stiffness • Infection • Pneumothorax • Spinal Hheadache •

Despite the risks listed above if you still do not want to explor traditional surgical treatments (also not risk-free), Prolotherapy is recommended as an effective alternative treatment.

“Careful scientific studies have focused on prolotherapy, millions of prolotherapy injections are performed every year.”

We wonder, but does it work?

Numerous scientific papers have been published, some of the most important are listed below:

Prolotherapy is a placebo? According to the research, prolotherapy is NOT a placebo, but simply a stimulant of the Self-Healing Process.

Scientific and medical papers Banks, AR. A Rationale for Prolotherapy, J Orthopedic Medicine, 1991; 13: 55-59.

Hackett GS, Henderson DG. Joint stabilization: An experimental, histologic study with comments on the clinical application in the ligament proliferation. Amer J Surg 1955; 89: 968-973.

Hackett GS. Referred pain and sciatica in the diagnosis of low back disabilities, JAMA 1957; 63: 183-185.

Hauser RA. Punishing the pain. Treating chronic pain with Prolotherapy. Rehab Manag. 1999; 12 (2): 26-28, 30.

Klein R, Dorman T, Johnson C. proliferant injections for low back pain: histologic changes of injected ligaments and objective measurements of lumbar spinal mobility before and after treatment. J Neurologic and Orthopedic Medicine and Surgery. 1989; 10: 123-126.

Klein R, Eek B, B DeLong, Mooney V. A randomized double-blind trial of dextrose-glycerine-phenol injections for chronic, low back pain. J Spinal Disord. 1993; 6: 23-33.

Klein R, Eek B. Prolotherapy: an alternative approach to managing low back pain. J Musculoskeletal Medicine, 1997; May: 45-49.

Liu Y, C Tipton, Matthes R, T Bedford, Maynard J, Walmer H. An in situ study of the influence of a sclerosing solution into rabbit medial collateral ligaments and its junction strength. Connect Tissue Res. 1983; 11: 95-102.

Maynard J, Pedrini V, Pedrini-Thousand A, B Romanus, Ohlerking F. Morphological and biochemical effects of sodium morrhuate on tendons. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 1985; 3: 236-248. Myers A. Prolotherapy: Treatment of Low Back Pain and Sciatica. The Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases, April 1961, Vol. 22, No. 1. Initially presented at the 1960 Annual Alumni Meeting Hospital for Joint Diseases.

Ongley M, Dorman T, et al. Ligament instability of knees: a new approach to treatment. Manual Medicine 1988; 3: 152- 154.Ongley M, Klein R, Dorman T, Eek B, Hubert L. A new approach to the treatment of chronic low back pain. Lancet 1987; 2: 143-146.

Reeves KD, Hassanein K. Randomized prospective placebo-controlled double-blind studies of prolotherapy for osteoarthritic thumb and finger (DIP, PIP, and trapeziometacarpal) Joints: Evidence of Clinical Efficacy. Altern Complement Med 2000 Aug; 6 (4): 311-20.

Reeves KD, Hassanein K. Randomized prospective double-blind placebo-controlled study of dextrose prolotherapy for knee osteoarthritis with or without ACL laxity. Altern Ther Health Med 2000 Sea; 6 (2): 68-74, 77-80.

Schwartz R. Prolotherapy: A literature review and retrospective study. Journal of Neurology, Orthopedic Medicine, and Surgery. 1991; 12: 220-223.